We believe that children will succeed through experiencing quality in:
- a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum, sensitive to the needs of the individual
- a secure, respectful, caring and stimulating learning environment
- an enriching programme of extra-curricular activities and visits
- a rich, varied and up to date range of learning resources
- innovative teaching and an investigative approach to learning
- an ethos of support, encouragement and challenge to succeed
- learning partnerships between school, home and the wider community.
We demonstrate our commitment to working as a learning community by:
- respecting the individual but working collaboratively towards common goals with shared learning outcomes
- constantly monitoring and evaluating our progress – endeavouring to become a self-evaluating school
- striving for continuous improvement in all that we do.
Our broad aims are:
- to arouse children’s curiosity and foster a desire to learn about the world in which they live
- for children to acquire knowledge, skills and practical abilities and the will to use them
- to develop qualities of mind, body, spirit, feeling and imagination
- to appreciate human achievements in art, music, science, technology, literature and sport
- to help children understand the society and environment in which they live
- to help children acquire and develop moral and religious values, and a respect for the beliefs and values held by others
- to prepare for their adult lives at home, at work, at leisure and at large as consumers and citizens
- to develop a sense of self respect, to develop the capacity to live as independent, self-motivated adults and the ability to function as contributing members of co-operative groups - each child will move forward in all these ways according to age and ability
- to provide a framework whereby parents are kept informed about the progress of their children through:
- regular meetings where individual teachers meet individual/groups of parents
- a system of formal written reports from teachers to parents
- a knowledge among parents that teachers are accessible through the principal
- to continue the good working relationships between all Staff, the Board of Governors, Education Authority, DENI, our neighbouring schools and with the community at large.
Specific objectives for our children are:
- to read fluently and accurately, with understanding, feeling and discrimination
- to develop a legible style of handwriting and satisfactory standards of spelling, syntax, punctuation and usage
- to communicate clearly and confidently in speech and writing, in ways appropriate for various occasions and purposes
- to listen attentively and with understanding
- to learn how to acquire information from various sources and to record information and findings in various ways
- to apply computational skills with speed and accuracy
- to understand the applications of mathematical ideas in various situations in the home, classroom, school and the local area
- to observe living and inanimate things, and to recognise characteristics such as pattern and order
- to master basic scientific and technological ideas
- to investigate solutions and interpret evidence, to analyse and to solve problems
- to develop awareness of self and sensitivity to others, acquire a set of moral values and the confidence to make and to hold moral judgements, and to develop habits of self-discipline and acceptable behaviour
- to be aware of the geographical, historical and social aspects of the local environment and the national heritage, and to be aware of other times and places
- to acquire sufficient control of self or tools, equipment and instruments to be able to use music, drama and several forms of arts and crafts as means of expression
- to develop agility and physical co-ordination, confidence in and through physical activity, and the ability to express feeling through movement
- to foster an interest and gain confidence in using Information and Communication Technology
- to include any other subjects which may form part of a future curriculum